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Few folks have a better sense of what it means to put in a full day’s work more than contractors. You roll up your sleeves at the crack of dawn and keep grinding until the evening whistle sounds. This months-long commitment is what it takes to build something from scratch, 从耕耘过的土壤中向上生长, whether it be a single-room addition to a suburban home or installing new heating and air conditioning in a large commercial building.


十大彩票平台官网, we have a deep appreciation for the dedication of contractors—and construction is the largest segment of business we provide with insurance. 因此,这三种产品是专门为您设计的:

  1. Signature Series Artisan 承包商 Program: Designed for small contractors
  2. Signature Series 承包商 Program: Designed for mid to larger contractors
  3. 承包商包:我们对承包商的非签名系列政策


  • The difference in each of our Signature Series programs is based on coverage and price.
  • Each of our offerings for contractors is intuitively designed to meet the challenges and potential hazards you face in your business.
  • We can do this at a fair price because of our exclusive underwriting process that packages protection to better address the risks specific to construction.
  • 我们称之为Westfield十大正规彩票平台签名系列®. Unique to Westfield, it provides specially made coverage for contractors. 


  • We offer the essential protection you can get from other insurance companies, 加上专门为建筑市场建立的扩展覆盖范围.
  • 发生损失时,你可以依靠我们. 因为我们的理赔小组就在你家附近, 我们可以迅速采取行动,保持大门敞开, 保护你的业务,让你专注于你的客户.


事故和不幸可能发生在任何人身上, 一般的风险不会歧视大公司, 中小型企业. 不管你是电工, 经营小生意的暖通空调技术员或水管工, you face a unique set of exposures that require insurance coverage specific to your industry.

你知道你所在行业需要投保哪些险别吗? 兼职或季节性员工的十大正规彩票平台呢? Did you know that you can implement loss control measures to reduce risks and lower insurance costs?

Whether you’re starting a business or reviewing your insurance program, 了解十大正规彩票平台如何保护你是很重要的, 您的员工和企业免受不必要的损失.

Here’s why Westfield的承包商签名十大正规彩票平台 is a better choice for your business:


  • 商业汽车承保的车辆开到工地
  • Coverage for your buildings and limited coverage for newly acquired buildings
  • 房屋和运营责任/诉讼保护
  • 工人赔偿/雇员受伤十大正规彩票平台


  • 外借设备损坏的十大正规彩票平台
  • 员工工具的覆盖范围
  • Primary and non-contributory language, included in Signature Series programs only
  • 放弃代位权

嘿,泰普. Whether you’re an air conditioning/heating mechanic or a commercial HVAC specialist, 你知道你的工作有多棘手.

Have you ever had a close call—maybe almost fallen through someone’s attic? Or have you filed a claim only to find you didn’t have the right coverage? 如果是这样的话, 它肯定使你意识到一个好的十大正规彩票平台计划是多么重要, 代理商和公司都很关心你的业务. 我们就是这样的公司. 我们有十大正规彩票平台. 我们很高兴你找到了我们. 欢迎来到十大彩票平台官网!


你是一个企业主. 这意味着你要保护你的公司, crew and equipment as seriously as you take passing compliance inspections. To make sure you’re in the clear, you know you need the right insurance.

十大彩票平台官网, you’ll find insurance programs customized for HVAC technicians 就像你一样:

  • Do you always safely handle refrigerants and other hazardous materials on the job site?
  • 由于零件安装错误,你们能支付修理费用吗?
  • 你的工作车投保了吗? 当他们勉强通过客户的邮箱时?)
  • 每个人都穿戴合适的个人防护装备吗?
  • Do you follow proper hot work protocols every time you light up your torch?
  • Can you honestly say that in all your years as an HVAC technician, you’ve never fallen off a ladder? (诚实!)

不要发现自己在寒冷中没有保护和十大正规彩票平台不足. From the moment you leave for work, you’ve entered a world of chill-inducing situations. Get the information you need to make smart insurance decisions for your business from our risk and claims experts.


不知道哪个适合你? 别担心! Westfield十大正规彩票平台代理 了解你的需求. In an industry where HVAC work happens at all hours of the day and night, you just don’t have time to fool with dissecting insurance plan coverage. 所以别打给十大彩票平台官网的探员. Westfield offers insurance products for HVAC technicians just like you, 我们了解你的行业(并且可以谈论它), 我们尊重你的时间.

嘿,活泼的. 你可能经常会遇到电线损坏或带电导致的烧伤和电击. 不要被你的十大正规彩票平台范围吓到.

你的业务在增长吗?? 或者你可能经历过一次千钧一发的事故(电气火灾)... 不是在你的眼皮底下!),并意识到你需要更好的十大正规彩票平台. 有段时间没有你经纪人的消息了? 不管你是怎么来的,我们很高兴你找到了我们. 欢迎来到十大彩票平台官网!


Whether you’re a journeyman or master electrician, you know the risks of your industry. That’s why it is important to carry insurance coverage created with electricians in mind. 十大彩票平台官网拥有它. We know the risks and can help you best assess them to get the insurance protection you need.

风险无处不在. 停下来想一想:

  • 你的团队是否穿戴防护装备,如电弧防护服, 护目镜, 安全带和救生索?
  • What safety measures do you have in place to guard against hazardous materials like lead, 模具, 真菌和溶剂?
  • 在公共场所工作时,你如何防止盗窃?
  • 你的店有烟雾报警器吗?
  • What have you done to protect your major equipment and installation materials?
  • If a crewman is injured on the job, do you have the money to pay for his bills? And are you even compliant with the state’s Workers’ Compensation laws?


Westfield十大正规彩票平台代理 have seen a lot: from blown fuses and charred cabinets to fried wires and burns galore. Electrical accidents just happen ― no matter how good you and your crew are. 我们的十大正规彩票平台产品是以电工为重点打造的. We know your needs, your risks, your industry, and how to best protect you.

嘿,引流医生. Don’t find yourself under water—literally—unprotected and underinsured.

你的业务在增长吗?? 或者你可能经历过一次死里逃生(地下室被水淹)... 呀!!) Has it been awhile since you’ve heard from your agent or insurance carrier? It’s important that you have insurance coverage created with plumbers in mind—we know the risks and can help you best assess them. 欢迎来到十大彩票平台官网!


You know your business - Westfield knows how to protect your assets, employees and yourself. We offer insurance programs for plumbers that are customized for contractors just like you to cover your specific property and liability exposures:

根据业务的规模和类型以及公司资产,a 西田集团代理 可以帮助您确定哪种套餐最适合您.

水管工面临的风险无处不在. 停下来想一想:

  • 你在家工作吗? 万一发生意外,你的家有十大正规彩票平台吗?
  • 你们的工作卡车有车队十大正规彩票平台吗?
  • 你的船员有穿戴防护装备吗?
  • 你知道OSHA对挖沟的最新建议吗?
  • When you work in a public area, do you track tools and equipment to help prevent theft?
  • Do you put up signs or barricades to prevent people from slipping and falling in and around?


根据业务的规模和类型以及公司资产,a 西田集团代理 可以帮助您确定哪种套餐最适合您. 十大彩票平台官网十大正规彩票平台公司的代理人了解您的需求. 在一个水管工全天候工作的行业里, 你根本没有时间处理复杂的商业十大正规彩票平台. 这就是为什么我们为像你这样的水管工提供十大正规彩票平台产品. 从你和十大彩票平台官网探员说话的那一刻起, 你会知道你正在和一个熟悉你的行业的人交谈, 和你说同一种语言的人, 他会珍惜你的时间.


无论你在哪里,无论何时你需要我们,我们都会在你身边. 现在,你的保单信息也会.

