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我们致力于保护您的隐私. This notice describes the personal information we collect about you and how we use it. 本隐私承诺适用于我们所有的 十大彩票平台官网美国十大正规彩票平台公司客户包括被十大正规彩票平台人、索赔人、证人等.



  • 我们直接向您收集信息1从你方与我们的交易以及外部来源获得的信息.
  • 我们使用您的信息只是为了向您提供十大正规彩票平台, to investigate and resolve claims or to improve the products and services we offer.
  • We will share your information with the independent agent or insurance broker that you chose.
  • We share your information with third-parties who help us deliver services to you.
  • 我们不出售您的个人信息. We do not share your information with other companies for their marketing purposes.
  • We take measures to protect your information while it is in our custody. We require the third-parties who help us to protect your information, too.


We collect information about you in order to quote and service your insurance policy and to investigate and pay claims. 这包括:

  • Information from your application and other forms (such as your name, address, 出生日期, 电子邮件地址, 驾驶执照号码及车辆或财产类型).
  • 您与我们的交易信息, our affiliates or others (such as your insurance coverages, 限制和费率, payment and claims history and information needed for billing and payment).
  • Information from third parties (such as your driving record, claims history with other insurers and credit information).
  • Information about your online interactions with us (such as your IP address, 你用的那种装置, 您访问我们网站的时间和访问的页面). We use this information to deliver online services to you and/or to evaluate and improve our services.

We also use de-identified aggregate information to measure readers' interest in and use of various areas of our website site and of the programs we administer. Although we may share this aggregate information with third parties, none of this information will allow anyone to identify you or to determine anything personal about you.


We do not sell to or intentionally communicate with children under the age of 16. We may request specific information about a child from parents in order to properly quote an insurance policy, 验证身份或交付请求的事务. We do not retain information about minors other than what is necessary to deliver requested services or comply with legal obligations.


我们不会出售或出租您的个人信息. We disclose your information to third-parties only as permitted by law:

  • To process transactions that you request or to service your policy.
  • 调查和支付索赔.
  • 防止欺诈.
  • 代表我们执行市场推广服务. (We do NOT allow third-parties to use the information they receive from us to market on their own or anyone else's behalf.)
  • 遵守法律要求.

Recipients include employees within our family of insurance companies, 声称代表, 十大正规彩票平台代理人或经纪人, 服务提供商, 审计人员, 消费者报告机构, 政府机构, 执法部门和法院.


We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees and outside services providers who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. 他们对信息的使用受到法律的限制, by our employee code of conduct and by written agreements where appropriate. 我们保持身体健康, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with applicable federal and state regulations to guard your information.

If you believe you have found a security issue with one of our products or services, 请向 InfosecAlerts@WestfieldGRP.com 尽可能快. 请尽可能详细地描述这个问题, including the date and time you discovered the issue and how to reproduce the issue. 截图和视频尤其有用. Please also include your name and contact information in case we need additional detail.


我们有时会使用新技术, 包括社交媒体, 与客户沟通, 潜在客户, 员工和潜在员工. These sites and applications include things we develop ourselves and certain third-party platforms such as 脸谱网, X, LinkedIn或Instagram. Those third-party websites and applications are not operated or controlled by us. When using those services, you may reveal personal information to us and to third parties. Please carefully read the privacy policies of those third-party platforms before posting any non-public information.

我们的员工不会使用, share or retain your personal information from a social media or other third-party service except as necessary to respond to a specific message or request from you, 为您提供服务, 或者遵守法律要求.


如果你和我们断绝关系, we will continue to adhere to the policies and practices described in this privacy notice for as long as we have your information.


Westfield will retain your information as long as is necessary to comply with applicable legal standards. This information may be transferred into our underwriting file, claims file or other systems of record and used to manage your transactions with us and may be used for other business purposes. Your information will be destroyed in accordance with Westfield’s record retention policy.


You may request an accounting of information which we hold about you, request that we not sell your information and request that we amend your information. We may not (and will not) retaliate against you for exercising any of these rights. 这些权利受限于, 除此之外, 我们遵守雇佣条例的义务, 法规和其他法律要求. 点击这里 提交与这些权利有关的请求.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Notice, you may contact us by phone (1-800-552-9139),电邮(privacy@westfieldgrp.com)或邮寄给私隐主任, 西田集团十大正规彩票平台, 公园环岛一号, 邮箱5001, 十大彩票平台官网中心,OH 44251).

1 个人电话政策, this could include information from the head of household or other family member buying insurance that covers you. For a commercial lines policy, this could include information from your company's representative.